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Molyduval Quick GM石墨潤滑油膏

Molyduval Quick GM石墨潤滑油膏

2022-09-03 10:00:00  

Molyduval Quick GM 重質石墨、防水膏,具有最好的驅水、抗老化和防腐蝕作用。Molyduval 適用于在低速下為機械中的滑道和接頭擰下各種熱螺釘,Molyduval 在鑄造廠和烤箱中用作潤滑劑,Molyduval 用于準備工具潤滑

Molyduval Quick GM 重質石墨、防水膏,具有最好的驅水、抗老化和防腐蝕作用。

Molyduval 適用于在低速下為機械中的滑道和接頭擰下各種熱螺釘

Molyduval 在鑄造廠和烤箱中用作潤滑劑

Molyduval 用于準備工具潤滑

Molyduval Quick GM Heavy graphite, water -duty paste with finest -repellent, ageresistant, corrosion preventive.

Molyduval is For hot screws off all kind for slideways and joints in machinery at slow speed

Molyduval is used as lubricant in foundry and at ovens

Molyduval is for preparation of tools