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羅哥ROCOL RT15(ROCOL 39041)適用于廣泛應(yīng)用的全氟聚醚基潤滑脂

羅哥ROCOL RT15(ROCOL 39041)適用于廣泛應(yīng)用的全氟聚醚基潤滑脂

2022-10-18 11:21:37  

羅哥ROCOL RT15(ROCOL 39041)適用于廣泛應(yīng)用的全氟聚醚基潤滑脂

羅哥ROCOL RT15(ROCOL 39041)適用于廣泛應(yīng)用的全氟聚醚基潤滑脂

?羅哥ROCOL RT15(ROCOL 39041)溫度范圍極佳,從-20°C到+280°C。

?羅哥ROCOL RT15(ROCOL 39041)是一種抗氧化、無毒潤滑劑,具有極高的抗氧化性和耐熱性。

?羅哥ROCOL RT15(ROCOL 39041)具有超長的使用壽命,延長潤滑間隔,減少停機時間,降低勞動力成本,從而實現(xiàn)卓越的成本效益。

?羅哥ROCOL RT15(ROCOL 39041)具有出色的極壓(EP)性能,焊接載荷為620 kg。

?羅哥ROCOL RT15(ROCOL 39041)主要用于惡劣環(huán)境中的極端應(yīng)用,但也可用于長壽命或終身潤滑的應(yīng)用場合。

rocol RT15

Perfluoropolyether based grease suitable for a wide range of applications

? Has an excellent wide temperature range from -20°C to +280°C.

? Is an oxygen resistant, non-toxic lubricant with an extremely high oxidation and thermal resistance.

? The product has an exceptionally long service life providing excellent cost effectiveness from extended lubrication intervals, reduced downtime and reduced labour costs.

? Has outstanding extreme pressure (EP) performance with a weld load of 620 kg.

? This product is designed primarily for extreme applications in aggressive environments, however, it is also used where a long life or a lubricated for life application exists.

Size: 100g  Part Number: 39041

Size: 400g  Part Number: 39043