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Krytox XHT-EP299耐高溫防銹潤滑脂

Krytox XHT-EP299耐高溫防銹潤滑脂

2022-10-15 12:10:51  

Krytox XHT-EP299耐高溫防銹潤滑脂

Krytox XHT-EP298公司和Krytox XHT-EP299適用于高溫應用,需要高承載能力和防腐保護。典型應用包括處于潮濕條件或頻繁溫度循環(huán)的輸送鏈,這可能導致冷凝和生銹。

Krytox XHT-EP298和Krytox XHT-EP299 have been formulated for high-temperature applications that need both high load carrying capacity and anticorrosion protection. Typical applications include conveyor chains that are subjected to moist conditions or frequent temperature cycling that could allow condensation and rusting to occur.